The KYC documents required for Professional account verification depend on the country and the account type (Personal or Corporate). Please find the requirements by country/area below.
Personal account
USA, UK, Canada
Account type | Personal |
Identity proof | Passport, driving license |
Account type | Personal |
Identity proof | Passport, driving license, national Id card, residence permit |
Other countries from the list
Account type | Personal |
Identity proof | Passport |
Corporate account
USA, UK, Canada + Other countries from the list
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | See Personal account requirements by country above | ||
Registration proof* | Registration proof of less than three months | Proof of registration | Registration proof of less than three months |
Articles of association* | Up-to-date and signed articles of association | Signed articles of association | N/A |
Shareholder declaration* |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
*An official translation of the document is required if it's not in a supported language.
European Economic Area counties have different requirements for Corporate account users. Please check your country below to find the required documents.
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the Soletrader |
Registration proof | Handelsregisterauszug of less than 3 months | Genossenschaftssatzung Stiftungssatzung Vereinsregisterauszug | Gewerbeschein Handlungsbevollmächtigung Handelsregisterauszug Prokura Steuernummer attribution letter |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Gesellschaftsvertrag) signed | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Satzung) | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the soletrader |
Registration proof | "Kbis" extract of less than 3 months | Subprefecture declarationExtract from the "Journal officiel"SIRENE declaration | "Kbis" extract of less than 3 months URSAFF declaration “Avis de situation SIRENE” of less than 3 months |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Statutes | Up-to-date and signed Statutes | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the soletrader |
Registration proof | "Visura Camerale" extract of less than 3 months | Certificate from the "Agenzia Entrate" | "Visura Camerale" extract of less than 3 months |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed statutes (Statuto sociale) | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Statuto) | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the soletrader |
Registration proof | Extract from the Registro Mercantil Central of less than three months Extract from the Registradores de Espana (information General Mercantil) of less than three months Modelo 600 of less than 3 months (only for civil society) | Proof of registration from the Registro Nacional de Asociaciones | Resolucion "Regimen Especial de Trabajadores por Cuenta Propia o Autonomos" of less than 3 months Tarjeta de identificación fiscal |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Escrituras) | Up-to-date and signed Statutes | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the soletrader |
Registration proof | Certidao permanente de registo comercial of less than 3 months | Documento Inicio de Actividade | Certidao permanente de registo comercial of less than 3 months |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Estatutos) | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Estatutos) | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the soletrader |
Registration proof | KvK uittreksel of less than 3 months | KvK uittreksel | KvK uittreksel of less than 3 months |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Statuten) | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (Statuten) | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the soletrader |
Registration proof | Notice of registration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry/ General Electronic Commercial Registry of less than 3 months* | Proof of registration from the Independant Public Revenue Authority* | Proof of registration at the General Electronic Commercial Registry Trading license of less than 3 months* |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Articles of association* | Up-to-date and signed Statutes (ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ)* | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
*An official translation of the document is required if it's not in a supported language.
Account type | Corporate | ||
Subtype | Business | Organization | Soletrader |
Identity proof | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the legal representative | Passport, national ID card, driving license or residence permit of the soletrader |
Registration proof | Signed Company printout of less than 3 months | Proof of registration from the Register of Charities | Signed Business printout of less than 3 months (if not available, document from Revenue with PPSN number) |
Articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Form of constitution or Memorandum and articles of association | Up-to-date and signed Memorandum and articles of associations | N/A |
Shareholder declaration |
UBO declaration | N/A | N/A |
Please find the full list of European Economic Area countries here.