To get statistics on your music sales and your premium subscriptions, go to the Manage section and choose your Artistclub. There, you may see stats on your Campaigns, Discography, Album sales and Membership.
In the Discography section you can see the general information and statistics on every album from Artistclub’s discography: its status (public or private), price, number of premium subscribers that can listen to it, number of sales, listenings, comments and applause.
In the Album sales section you can see more detailed information on every music sale you have. It includes its purchase date and time, the buyer’s name, their country and city, and the amount they paid excluding Show4me fee.
In the Membership section you can see your fan’s active premium subscriptions to your Artistclub. You can see the subscription’s start date, it’s expiration date, the name of the fan, their country, city, and the amount they paid you per year to access your music for streaming and chatting with you via the internal Inbox.
To see stats of your event campaigns, go to the Campaigns section. Here, you may find the basic info on your campaigns, such as: status, percentage of sold tickets, days to go, number of sold tickets, comments and applause.
If you want to see detailed stats on a particular event campaign, go to a campaign page and click on the Campaign details. Here, you will find some General information as well detailed info on campaign stats, pledgers and sold tickets. Find all the calculations in the Campaign statistics tab. If you need any explanation for an unknown notion, just move a mouse to a question mark next to that.
Also, find info on who are your fans in the Pledgers tab. There you can see when they bought tickets, their name, country, city, age, ticket type, number of tickets and price they paid. In the Tickets tab, you may see info on ticket types you have, their sales and price.